Our Programs

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Come join us in our next Clubhouse room!

We are excited to be sharing our conversations on Clubhouse! This amazing new app is an exciting way to connect with millions of people who have so many different stories.

With many of the same attributes as shock™ talks via Zoom, our Clubhouse conversations offer participants an opportunity to be a part of a real dialogue to erase bias, reduce racism and support inclusive equity.

Consider these conversations to be a regular work-out for your mindset and a launchpad to help others do the same. They are an accelerator for the willingness to speak up, productively. They can teach participants to see the world through the eyes of another by hearing their story and listening with the intent to understand.

Simply put, these dialogues strengthen empathy and awareness and empower you to help those around you strengthen these skills, as well. You won’t want to miss these powerful Clubhouse sessions. See the schedule below to get a glimpse of what is coming.

Cost: Free

Clubhouse rooms is an app that is currently only available on iOS and requires an invite.

Clubhouse Rooms
Name Date Description Link Location