Kid's Learning

During Elementary and Junior High School children are forming their values systems, which lay the foundation for their behavior as they get older. Our vision is to offer learning activities that teach K-12 children how to practice and model inclusion, without bullying, and focus on ways to solve problems peacefully together. As students progress, they will learn self-control in the face of fear and how to navigate when an impasse seems imminent.

Unform Your Bias™ tools will enable students, their teachers and their parents to develop skills to choose inclusion over exclusion and peaceful resolution over emotional conflict.

Kid's Learning Will:

  • Provide activities for all levels to teach school age children to prevent bias formation, and seek peaceful resolution without violence or bullying.

  • Equip teachers to help students build skills for collaboration, influence and problem solving over the longer term.

  • Provide Parental Guides with tools and resources for re-enforcement of the learning at home.